- Orpheus: (The univeristy of Tokyo, Sagayama Laboratory) - MusicPipe: Automatic Arrangement System for Ensemble Music
The MusicPipe is a automatic arrangement system for ensemble music. It can generate a ensemble music for an arbitrary combination of instruments. - SPTK: Speech Signal Processing Toolkit
The Speech Signal Processing Toolkit (SPTK) is a suite of speech signal processing tools for UNIX environments, e.g., LPC analysis, PARCOR analysis, LSP analysis, PARCOR synthesis filter, LSP synthesis filter, vector quantization techniques, and other extended versions of them. This software is released under the Modified BSD license. - HTS: HMM-based Speech Synthesis System
The HMM-based Speech Synthesis System (HTS) has been developed by the HTS working group and others. The training part of HTS has been implemented as a modified version of HTK and released as a form of patch code to HTK. The patch code is released under a free software license. However, it should be noted that once you apply the patch to HTK, you must obey the license of HTK. Related publications about the techniques and algorithms used in HTS can be found here. - Galatea Project ( Anthropomorphic Spoken Dialog Agent Toolkit)
This project providing an open-source toolkit for anthropomorphic spoken dialogue agent with which one can develope a life-like animated agent that talks with the user and can be easily customized with the face, voice, and dialog grammar. - Galatea Talk: Japanese speech synthesis software
Research Databases
- M2TINIT: Japanese multi-modal speech database
M2TINIT is japanese multi-modal database which was developped by Tokyo Institute of Technology and Nagoya Institute of Technology. This database consists of speech and movie (bottom of face) for 503 Japanese phonetically balanced sentence. This database is free-of-charge for academic purposes.